

Price Summary
  •  15,000.00
  •  15,000.00
  •  15,000.00
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MAG-30 device is designed to do the therapeutic action upon the human organism with the variable non-uniform magnetic field. The device is recommended to be used in physiotherapeutic in-patient and out-patient departments and in home conditions by doctor`s prescribes.

The low-frequency sinus magnetic field has analgetic and inflammatory effect, improves both microcirculation processes and local blood circulation, stimulates resorption of inflammatory and traumatic edems, speeds-up regeneration of injured tissues and reparative regeneration.

The low-frequency magnetic field promotes improvement of the restrictive (stoping) process in the central nervous system (general wellbeing, the sleep become better, the irritability decreases), makes non-specific action upon the immunologic reactivity of the organism.

Magnetic field effect doesn’t cause neither endogenic warmth in the tissues or skin irritation.

It was noticed that people with the weak health, old people, and people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system have a good tolerance reaction to the action of magnetic field, that let the use the device in the a lot of cases, when some other physical factors (UHF, SHF-therapy) are not indicated.

Local influence of magnetic field makes for (causes) general adaptive change of the whole organism and anti-inflammatory effects in the separate far located areas of the organism.

One doesn’t feel any unpleasant sensation when being treated with the device.

  1. The diseases of the locomotor system:
  • osteoarthrosis deformans;
  • backbone osteoarthrosis;
  • arthritis, humeroscapular parasynovitis;
  • arthrometeolability;
  • apicondylit;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • myofascitis of back muscles;
  • bursitis.
  1. The damages of the locomotor system and the consequences:
  • bones fracture;
  • internal traumas of the joint;
  • posttraumatic contracture of the joints;
  • bruises of the soft tissues, haematoma, damages of the ligaments and muscles, posttraumatic swelling.
  1. Diseases of sexual system:
  • inflammation of the uterus and adnexa in a subacute phase of disease;
  • hypofunction of the ovary, incompetence of the luteining phase of the menstrual cycler;
  • algodysmenorrhea;
  • premenstrual and climacteric syndrome;
  • adhesive (commissural) process in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • complications after the operative delivery (cesarean section, damages of the perineum);
  • pathological lactostasis, subinfolution of the uterus during the postdelivery period.
  1. Diseases of cardiovascular and peripheric nervous system:
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • thrombosis of shin deep veins – acute and chronicle;
  • ileophemoral thrombosis of the lower limbs – acute and chronicle;
  • chronicle thrombophlebitis in the stage of trophic impairments;
  • thrombosis of the subclavicular vein;
  • varicose illness;
  • obliteration atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities;
  • neuralgia of trigeminal nerve.
  1. Acute and chronicle catarrhal media otitis Irridocyclitis
  2. Cosmetology
  • inflammatory diseases in an acute period;
  • bleeding (haemorrhage) and inclination to it;
  • expressed hypotonia;
  • feverish condition;
  • purulent processes before surgical treatment;
  • grave clinical course of ischemic illness of heart;
  • early postinfarction period;
  • acute period of cerebral blood circulation abnormality;
  • pregnancy;
  • systemic blood disease;
  • oncologic diseases;
  • early postmyocardial infarction period;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diencephalic syndrome;
  • presence of implantable cardiostimulator.
  1. The amplitude (peak) value of the magnetic induction on the working surface of the device is (30 ± 9) mT.
    • European and Russian standards: Voltage – 220V (-10%, + 10%) or 230V (-10%, +6%), frequency – 50Hz.
    • The Australian standard: Voltage – 250V (-10%, + 10%), frequency – 50Hz.
  2. Power consumption, max. – 30VA.
  3. The weight of the device, max. – 0,6kg.
  4. The overall dimensions: 115x80x47 mm. Note: limited deviation: ±3%
  5. The device activation is follwer with light signaling.
  6. The device operating mode is repeat-short time mode within 6 hours: 20 minutes – run (work), 10 – minutes – break.
  7. Disinfection of the device’s outer surfaces (if re- quired) is to be carried out by wiping them twice at a 10- 15 minute interval with a heavy muslin or gauze cloth moistened with a disinfectant solution (for instance, 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, or 1% solution of chlora- mine, or 70% solution of ethylalcohol), making sure to squeeze the cloth out in order to avoid leakage of the solution inside the device.
  8. In average time between failure – 1000 hours. The criterion of the disorder is the device nonconformity to the rerquirements of items 1.1.4 and 2.1.
  9. In average service life – 5 years. The criterion of the the device limited state is impossibility of its re- covery under the routine maintenance to bring it to con- formity of items 1.1.4 and 2.1 or technical and economi- cal inexpediency of its further operation.
  10. The limited value of the magnetic induction at the distance 0,5 m from the working surface does not exceed 0,5 mT.
  11. The excess of the device surface temperature over the temperature of the environment temperaure af- ter one cycle operation (20 min. – works – 10 min. – max. 410C.
  12. Information about the precious material and non-ferrous metals:
    • cuprum – 0,12 kg
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